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  • Marcello Usai


There are moments in life when you need to stop, take a deep breath and start over, or change the course, trusting yourself first and foremost, and any generating force (call it God, Universe, Cosmic Energy, Consciousness .. .as you think) in which we are immersed since we experience this existence. We close our eyes by thinking, or simply by visualizing new conditions, new goals, new opportunities. We will be the roots of the new tree we are planting, aware that at any moment, if we wanted to, we could move towards new conditions that are more congenial for our existence. The important thing is to come to understand that nothing is lost, we can always regenerate ourselves, and that the responsibility for what happens to us is always ours, even when an illusory filter of the virtual reality that surrounds us makes us say that it is not so. Trust and Will are the bases for taking any kind of path we wish, even when everyone will row against it, because the Personal Power, in any case, We have it, and what we have asked for, when we are ready to receive it, will arrive.

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